Thursday, March 1, 2012


My village is Lwalla Kwa in Lacor Parish, Lamogi sub-county in Amuru District
Some years ago, my village was a forest. As the people increase in number more and more trees were cut down because people wanted to grow crops and build houses. Soon there were no more trees and now people face the danger of cutting down trees such as soil eroision,excessive sunshine, poor climate, crops are becoming poorer and porer because the soils have lost fertility.

Trees are very good because they influence the weather and climate in a place, they also help in rain formation and give us shades.

We need to protect our environment by planting trees because the roots hold the soil in place when it rains and trees prevent the wind from blowing the top soil away, this helps the ground to retain moisture.

There are many kinds of trees one can plant. Farmers need to plant trees such as eucalyptus, Cypress, or gum tree because they dont take long to grow.

When we do these we are working towards achievieving environmental sustainability as a Millinium Development Goal

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


In an effort to eradicate extreme poverty, the people of Amuru district have embarked on serious Agricultural activities. The activities include growing of crops and keeping animals. The crops which are grown in this district are mostly;beans, maize, simsim,millet,groundnuts,rice,and sorgum.These crops are mainly grown for food but at times people are forced to sell part of it inorder to get other basic needs like soap, salt, clothes, sugar, etc.
Usually, at the end of the year people wrap up and evaluate their activities for the year and this is the time that most harvesting takes place, simsim, rice, groundnuts, sorghum and many other crops are harvested.
At the begining of the year like this people start to prepare their gardens for the next season so that at the onset of rain the gardens are ready and planting is done immediately.

The Government of Uganda is very much supportive to the farmers especially through the NAADS projects. Early last year around may and june, seeds were distributed to farmers although not many people benefitted but it is a good sign that some efforts are being made to help this farmers.This is done to encourage large scale and comercial farming so that at the end of it all, the people are able to have enough food and also some good amount of money. However, this is not very possible because the use of Agricultural mechanics and technology is still very low. Most of our farmers still go manually, they dig and weed using handhoes.
The only few machines which are used in this district are tractors and ox-plough, but it is not enough and very expensive to hire. A tactor goes for 80,000shillings( eighty thousand shillings) per acre and also an ox-plough,very few people can afford this hence most of them go manually.The end result is low production and low quality products. The unpleasant part of it is that our market is widely open so much so that buyers are free to buy from any where in the district and in any amount to the extend that buyers move from door to door and even in the gardens to buy the food items.
The most common one is the Uganda-Sudan businesses where most food items are taken to be sold at a very high price.The buyers move with big lorries and buy a lot of foods. Most of the farmers when they see money, they get excited and sell out all thier foods and the next thing is to starve.

Usually at the onset of rain in the first season many villages hardly have anything to eat. People starve seriouly in the months of april, may,and june then the first doing crops like maize, beans, millet rescue them.

There is need to improve on agricultural activities in the district through provision of Agricultural mechanics and technology to increase production and the quality of products since there is readily available markets.
Improved quality seeds should be given to farmers for free or at a low cost inorder to allow them produce more and more.

Also farmers should be given access to soft loans in the banks and other micro-finance sectors to encourage commercial farming.

Farmes associations is very important so farmers should be encouraged to form and join Associations.

There is need to advise the farmers on storage and marketing of their products.Thanks to World Food Programme with thier project P for P (Purchase for progress) where farmers are encouraged to store their foods in a big house ware and later sell them at and appropriate time and to better buyers.

In conclusion, through Agriculture Amuru district is set to eradicate extreme poverty which is one of the millenium development goals to be achieved by the year 2015.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


The pictures below should tell one whether quality education for all will be achieved by 2015 as expected by the designers of the Millennium Development Goals .

These children are saying this.

Friday, August 5, 2011


The use of harmful habit forming drugs is a growing problem in our societies today. Some of these habits do not only damage the health of the individuals but in one way or the other harm those around them.
If alcohol has brought much joy to the man, it has also brought much suffering especially to the woman and the children of the man who drinks. A little alcohol now and then may do no harm. But too often a little lead to a lot. In our community, heavy or excessive drinking is one of the underlying causes of health problems even for those who do not drink. Not only can drunkenness harm the health of those who drink through diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, but it also hurts the family and community in many ways. Through loss of judgment, loss of self respect,it leads to much unhappiness , waste of resources and violence often affecting those who are close to them.
Many fathers have spent their last bit of money on drinking when their children are hungry. Many sicknesses result because a man spends all the money he earns on drinking rather than improving his family's living condition. Many persons hate themselves because they have hurt those they love and yet take another drink to forget.
Smoking is yet another dangerous habit. There are many reasons why smoking is dangerous to your own and your family's health.
Smoking increases the risk of cancer of the lungs and lips.
Smoking increases serious diseases of the lungs including chronic bronchitis.
Smoking can help cause stomach ulcers or make it worst.
Children whose parents smoke have more cases of pneumonia and other respiratory illness.
Smoking increases your chances of suffering from heart disease or stroke.
Children of mothers who smoke during pregnancy are smaller and develop more slowly.
Also smoking costs money. It looks like little is spent but it adds up to a lot.
In addition alcohol and tobacco, many people in our communities are using illegal drugs. These drugs include marijuana, opium and cocaine. Some drugs such as cocaine and heroin are very addictive, a person may try the drugs only once and feel that he needs it more and more. Other drugs become addictive after using it for a longer period of time.
Addiction is a dangerous trap that can lead to serious health problems or even death.
People usually start taking drugs to escape the hardships, forget the hunger or calm the pain in their lives. Like the people in northern part of Uganda became addicted to alcohol in order to forget the hardship and calm the pain they were going through during the Lords Resistance War. And now that they are settling in their homes, they try to stop these addiction but instead they become miserable ,sick , violent and often commit crimes, go hungry or neglect their families. Thus, drug use become a problem not only to a person but to the whole family and community.
A community which recognizes these can do much to encourage those who are willing to make changes if you are concerned about the misuse of alcohol in your community, help organize a meeting to discuss these problems and decide what actions to take.
I think the following ways can help to solve the problems of addiction and drug abuse;
-Be helpful and supportive to someone trying to overcome drug use.
-Members of the community who have been addicted to drugs but have stopped the habit can form a “support group” to help others to give up alcohol or drugs.
-Families, schools and health workers can tell children about the dangers of cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs.
-Work to correct some of the problems in your communities that lead people to use drugs e.g hunger, exploitation, lack of opportunities to lead better life.
BY SIMBRELLA, St.marys Lacor. Gulu.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Hunger is one of the most problems experienced in the North Eastern parts of Uganda like Karamajong areas in Uganda. It is so destructive that it can lead to Deaths among the people in a family.
It is so disturbing that it can lead some one to loss of peace due to the demanding intestines. So hunger is just a coward and it is just hell.

Some of the possible causes of hunger in the community are as follows
Laziness is one of the most common causes of hunger in the community today in the most communities in Uganda today.
Lack of good fertile soils can also lead to hunger for example the North Eastern parts of Uganda they have poor fertile soils which are infertile where by they can’t work in Agriculture because of the poor soils they have.
Hunger can also be caused by unemployment where people can’t work because they don’t have jobs and lack land where to dig and feed there families on.
Lacks of seeds to be used in Farming since seeds are so costly and expensive where by you find people very poor and have no cash for paying for those expensive seeds hence hunger in the community.
Sometimes you find a family in harmony the whole family loses its people everyday almost from down to dusk which makes them lose appetite for eating food even if it is present.
Some plantations fail to grow because of the pests which attack and destroy human crops hence causing hunger.
Some people grew up in the whitish life where they had a lot of freedom in their and knew not how to work they could just sit there and just wait for everything in life hence hunger.
Some people have a thought that who ever is dressed to kill is always rich and lack nothing in life, but when you go forward investigating how they live you can even just wonder and prove that whenever you see some in suits it doesn’t mean that he lacks nothing in life.
Well! Even if hunger is there but there are also other measures that can be taken to overcome hunger.
Some of the possible causes are the following below
Where there are infertile soils you take a measure of applying manure like cow dung and Cattle urine to make the soils regain fertility.
Another one is controlling laziness by keeping your self busy in work all the time from morning till when you get a tranquility moment like in the wee hours.
Another is always not thinking that everything is for free to know that man must struggle much and hard to archive what to eat.
Even the one who dances very well lives the dancing flow so this is our right time for us to say good bye to you our reader.

(Kimera Peter, Nanfuka Racheal and Nalutaaya Martha.


Hunger is one of the most problems experienced in the North Eastern parts of Uganda like Karamajong areas in Uganda. It is so destructive that it can lead to Deaths among the people in a family.
It is so disturbing that it can lead some one to loss of peace due to the demanding intestines. So hunger is just a coward and it is just hell.

Some of the possible causes of hunger in the community are as follows
Laziness is one of the most common causes of hunger in the community today in the most communities in Uganda today.
Lack of good fertile soils can also lead to hunger for example the North Eastern parts of Uganda they have poor fertile soils which are infertile where by they can’t work in Agriculture because of the poor soils they have.
Hunger can also be caused by unemployment where people can’t work because they don’t have jobs and lack land where to dig and feed there families on.
Lacks of seeds to be used in Farming since seeds are so costly and expensive where by you find people very poor and have no cash for paying for those expensive seeds hence hunger in the community.
Sometimes you find a family in harmony the whole family loses its people everyday almost from down to dusk which makes them lose appetite for eating food even if it is present.
Some plantations fail to grow because of the pests which attack and destroy human crops hence causing hunger.
Some people grew up in the whitish life where they had a lot of freedom in their and knew not how to work they could just sit there and just wait for everything in life hence hunger.
Some people have a thought that who ever is dressed to kill is always rich and lack nothing in life, but when you go forward investigating how they live you can even just wonder and prove that whenever you see some in suits it doesn’t mean that he lacks nothing in life.
Well! Even if hunger is there but there are also other measures that can be taken to overcome hunger.
Some of the possible causes are the following below
Where there are infertile soils you take a measure of applying manure like cow dung and Cattle urine to make the soils regain fertility.
Another one is controlling laziness by keeping your self busy in work all the time from morning till when you get a tranquility moment like in the wee hours.
Another is always not thinking that everything is for free to know that man must struggle much and hard to archive what to eat.
Even the one who dances very well lives the dancing flow so this is our right time for us to say good bye to you our reader.

Combustion of HIV/AIDS

In Uganda people are suffering from hiv because of:-
© Ignorance about control measures of HIV i.e.
Ø A = Abstinence.
Ø B=Be faithful to your partner
Ø C=Condoms.
© Peer influence which has made people to get involved in sexual immorality.
© Adaptation to bad life styles e.g. pornographic material.
© Science and technology which has brought in blue movies which contain pornographic material such as sexual intercourse.
© Revenge of people who have been infected by the sickness tend to infect others.